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US government is investigating TikTok for failing to change how it collects children’s personal information following last year’s $5.7 million privacy fine

In 2019, the viral video-sharing app TikTok agreed to pay a $5.7 million fine to the Federal Trade Commission to settle allegations it was illegally collecting personal information belonging to users who are children.
Per the FTC settlement, TikTok promised to delete existing data it had on young users and change its practices to adhere to COPPA, the law preventing companies from collecting the personal data of children under 13 without parental consent.
Earlier this year, privacy and child advocates accused TikTok of breaking the terms of the FTC settlement by failing to delete videos and other content obtained illegally, and failing to alter policies. A group of US senators called on the FTC to investigate these complaints just weeks after.
Both President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seemed to indicate this week they were considering banning TikTok in the US. While Pompeo cited national security concerns over TikTok’s ties to China, Trump said the ban was an option for punishing China over the coronavirus pandemic
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The Federal Trade Commission and the US Justice Department are looking into allegations that popular app TikTok failed to live up to a 2019 agreement aimed at protecting children’s privacy, according to two people interviewed by the agencies.

A staffer in a Massachusetts tech policy group and another source said they took part in separate conference calls with FTC and Justice Department officials to discuss accusations the China-based short video sharing app had failed to live up to an agreement announced in February 2019.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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