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Julie Burke’s Top Six Tips for Recruiting with Social Media Using Facebook

recruiting with social media

Since I built 80% of my team of 8,300 distributors recruiting with social media (specifically Facebook), I get these questions pretty often:

How do I build my profile if I’m not on Facebook already?
How do I start gaining followers?
What, when, and how do I post?

So, in the video below, I’m going to walk you through how I was able to start my network marketing business 4 years ago, using Facebook.

I didn’t even have a Facebook Page when I first got started.

But about 4 days into my journey of using my company’s products, I started to think…

“Hey, I should probably get a Facebook account to share this with others.”

I basically had a little over 100 friends.

And in my second week of using the product I created a post, which was intentional.

Key word: intentional.

Note that I did not post anything about the company or the product name.

I posted a very, very brief story about what happened to me through using the product.

So, I had about 100 friends and out of that one post, 45 people asked me about it and what I was doing.

I said…

“Holy crap! There’s something to this Facebook thing!”

I realized I needed to start building my profile, gaining more friends, and searching out more friends.

I needed to start friending other people’s friends.

I know some people get a little weird about that.

But, here’s the thing, if you’re building a business, then your social playground is right there on Facebook.

Facebook is a social neighborhood, a social hangout, and people want friends.

So don’t feel weird friending other people’s friends.

They’re going to see that you have a mutual acquaintance, and that’s what people want.

They want more friends, so it’s totally okay.

I actually had a coaching client recently walk me through her Facebook page and we had to keep scrolling down her page to find an actual picture of her.

I said…

“Listen. You need to have your profile picture be you. Just you. People want to know who they’re doing business with.”

I use the same profile picture on my personal profile as I do my business page.

You want to use a professional photo of you.

I get it.

We love our children. We love our dogs. We love certain recipes.

But you have to show YOU.

You are a professional network marketer and you want to show them who they’re doing business with.

From day one, I have always made my profile picture just me.

What do you stand for?

For your cover photo, you want to use a photo that shows what you stand for, what you’re about.

Whether it’s a beach picture a travel photo, whatever it is – it’s showing your lifestyle.

Your cover photo should be a lifestyle or a positive statement.

Complete the introduction section of your profile and let people know who you are and what you’re all about.

It’s the portion to the left, underneath your profile.

My intro includes what I stand for –

Own your life! Be unstoppable!

And my website address.

If you have a website, make sure you put it right there.

I have a Facebook “fan”/business Page, so I have that in the employment section of my bio with a link to that page.

At the bottom, this is where I let people into my life. It’s five pictures I selected that shows family, friends, awards, things I love to do.

This is all about showing people who are you…your life.

Some people are split on this, because they may be really personal.

But you have to understand that you are in network marketing and you have to start opening up your world a little bit if you want to start recruiting with social media.

There are different ways you can post; public, just to friends, just to certain friends, however you want.

I always post public, whether it’s about me, my family or my kids.

It’s public, but you can easily switch from public to private.

When you post, to the right, you have the option of choosing whether it goes to everyone and is public, or you want to send it to a particular group of people.

Share this information with your team, because I have personally enrolled about 300 people and 80% of them came from Facebook, and this is how I did it.

So let me take you through some of my posts…

This is what we call a “power post.”

My friend retired from her job.

So, I created a power post about that, saying how cool it is that this busy mom making a hefty salary was able to make the choice and retire from corporate America!

This is a funny quote I decided to post, that got hundreds of likes, comments, and action.

Here’s a “transformation” post.

You really want to have a blend of pictures, transformations, family images, memes with inspiration.

You want to ask people questions to ultimately lead into your product when recruiting with social media, but maybe not all the time.

In essence…

You are creating curiosity when recruiting with social media

If you are in skin care you could talk about the 4 reasons you may be breaking out and offering a solution.

Short videos, clear pictures, recipes, quotes.

I did a video to show working moms quick and easy meals to cook using 5 ingredients or less that had HUGE traction.

Maybe you learned something at a recent conference you attended – share it with your friends.

These are all things you can share on your personal page to show your life, to share your information.

You have to invite people into your life.

If you are building your business and that means inviting people in.

The thing is, when people start liking your stuff, especially when doing Facebook Live, showing transformation pictures and stories, that means they are showing interest.

When people start liking your stuff, especially when doing Facebook Live, showing transformation pictures, stories and your product, you want to reach out.

Once people liked my post, I reach out to them or message them and say…

“I saw that you liked my post. If you want to learn more about my product, I’m happy to fill you in.”


“If you know anybody looking for X, Y, and Z, I am looking for referrals.”

Right? Because we don’t want to leave that out.

That’s what I did.

I started reaching out and building relationships, friending other people’s friends.

They don’t accept?

No worries, it’s cool.

Everything you do, and you have to keep it positive.

If you are having a bad day, don’t do a Facebook Live, don’t do a post.

Put recruiting with social media on hold for a bit…

Another question I get is when to post.

I am in Central Time, and I see really good results between 8:00 or 9:00am and then around 11:30am, and then it picks up again around 8:00pm.

But that is something you will have to play around with and see what works for you.

I try to do a Facebook Live 4-5 times a week, but sometimes I may not get to it and that’s ok.

I try to post 3 to 4 times a day – an inspirational quote, a recipe, something funny my kids did, playing with my kids, a transformation picture, a congratulation to a friend.

All these tips and information takes time to implement and does not happen overnight.

The bottom line to all of this is…

Be who you want to attract to your company

That is who you must be.

You want to think, “who is it I am attracting to the company?” and be that.

So there you have it…

My 6 top tips.

I hope this helped.

If you found this to be valuable, share this with your team – especially to those who may need help knowing what to post, how to post, boosting their profile, etc.

While you are still here, let me ask you this –

Do you need help ramping up your social media?

If you are starting out in network marketing or maybe you have just starting putting time into building your profile…

I have a great tool which I developed to help out other network marketers who need a kick start to their social media efforts, or maybe a jolt of energy to their page that maybe has slowed down a bit.

They’re my 3-Way Facebook Messenger Recruiting Scripts, which are 100% free.

You can “copy and paste” these PROVEN scripts to quickly enroll 10-15 new team members each week.

…all without being “spammy,” without vomiting on people, and without sounding like an infomercial.

You’ll discover the exact method I used to take back my time and personally sponsor 270+ reps and grow a team of 8,300 distributors, all from the comfort of my home, in just 3 years.

In fact…

These strategies create such EXPLOSIVE DUPLICATION, that for every person I personally sponsored, my team would grow by an average of 30 people in depth each time.

Ready to get started?

Then make sure you click here and grab your free copy today!


Cheers to your success!

Julie Burke

3-Way Facebook Messenger Recruiting Scripts

“Copy & Paste” These PROVEN Scripts to Quickly Enroll 10-15 New Team Members Per Week


The post Julie Burke’s Top Six Tips for Recruiting with Social Media Using Facebook appeared first on Elite Marketing Pro.

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