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The latest mobile trends to know in 2020 including 5G technologies, privacy regulations, mobile & video advertising

This is a preview of the new Mobile Trends 2020 market research report from our partners at eMarketer.
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Mobile usage already dominates our everyday lives — people now spend more time on their phones than watching TV. But the deepening of this habit through new technology rollouts – most notably commercial 5G networks – is fundamentally at odds with consumers’ growing skepticism over data integrity and privacy protection, ensuring 2020 will be a pivotal year for mobile trends.

eMarketer charteMarketer

We can’t yet predict the full scope of 5G’s impact, but the technology is set to gain traction in the US and China this year, enhancing data speed and slashing latency — and brands are taking notice of opportunities to explore richer media experiences. Meanwhile, the pervasiveness of location-based services and hyper-targeted advertisements continue to raise privacy concerns among consumers.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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