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10 Biggest and Most Important Traits of an Extraordinary Hotel Manager

10 Biggest and Most Important Traits of an Extraordinary Hotel Manager

Do you as a Hotel Manager find yourself standing at the crossroads in your career, either questioning yourself or finding it difficult to make decisions?

Developing a Hotel leadership mindset has no relation to one’s career or job title. It has everything to do with the manner in which you interpret and perceive situations and events and subsequently make decisions. Meaning the thoughts that drive actions and result in specific outcomes.

We, humans, are constantly evaluating our current conditions, both consciously and unconsciously. Our perspectives regarding the circumstances in which we find ourselves today is being shaped by new disruptive ideas and values. And a lot of what happens today often is conflicting with our past experiences and values.

Therefore, in order to develop a Hotel leadership mindset, it is important to acquire an acute sense of self-awareness.

What are your greatest failures?

The greatest values come with change and what we learn from it. Start dive into why Growth Mindset is the new roadmap that leverage Hotel Performance and Customer Experience.

(Note: This is built on the data from Carol S. Dweck, Ph.d. book “mindset – The New Psychology of Success. I put the data in context with Hotel management principles.)

1. Focuses on the journey of developing a growth mindset

With a growth mindset, Hotel managers have an underlying belief that their learning, skills, and talent can grow with time and experience.

Through growth mindset Hotel leadership, the focus shifts towards becoming a leader that is interested in their own and their team’s development.

As a leader, you apply yourself each day to become a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day, you will become a lot better.

Great Hotel Managers don’t ask for a mistake-free team, their focus is on a team that is fully prepared and get the full effort them.

And great Hotel managers use their skills and talent to help others fulfill their potential.

2. Embrace challenges as opportunities

Every day provides an opportunity to think outside the box.

Hotel managers that embraced a growth mindset know both learning and progress is as important as effort.

Challenges are all about the mindset of the Hotel manager and the team members. It is important to challenge everyone on your team.

What made you think hard today?

How will you challenge yourself today?

What can you learn from your experience or mistake?

What would you do differently next time to make thing works better?

What strategies can you try?

Who can you ask for honest feedback?

3. Persists despite setbacks

Great Hotel managers believe basic qualities can be cultivated through efforts. When there is a setback, they see it as an opportunity to rise to a challenge and to grow.

Setbacks motivate a Hotel manager with a growth mindset to make a change. It doesn’t define the character, but it rather spurs new action.

4. Clarifies the purpose with their Hotel team

All great Hotel managers identify and clarify their purpose in collaboration with their team.

And this becomes a catalyst for everything they do. Purpose helps to fuel Hotel team work ethic and drive their passion for what they do.

Together with their team members, they create a purpose that resonates with others, and they communicate organizational values and vision in a way that brings people together to rally behind their vision, creating a strong culture of leadership.

5. Takes on the roles as a student, teacher, and mentor

Hotel managers that are able to identify the best ways that they learn can help optimize their own and the teams time on relevant tasks.

They also help team members prioritize learning over seeking approval. Just because a team member needs improvement does not mean he or she have failed.

A good Hotel manager doesn’t just learn from their own mistakes, but others also.

Teach the Hotel team that mistake is an essential part of the learning process. A great Hotel leader faces challenges head-on with their team members.

Every micro-moment is an opportunity to make a new choice and work toward a better outcome.

A great Hotel manager will mentor and inspire the team to set and achieve goals, persist in the face of adversity, and effectively manage emotions and conflict.

6. Makes effort the secret juice that transforms the Hotel team

In a growth mindset, Hotel managers believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains, skills, and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

Are you being honest with yourself and truly giving 100% effort?

Are you accepting less than 100% effort from your Hotels team members?

If the Hotel manager and his or her team member are able to give their best effort day in and day out, then no matter the outcome, success will be theirs.

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7. Implement Value Innovation

Great Hotel managers focus on value innovate in context with new customer trends and needs.

Value without innovation will give only incremental gains easily duplicated by the competition.

Innovation without value is typically technology-oriented and won’t be a commercial success.

They work together with their team members to understand how disruption impacts their Hotel, team, vendors, customers, and guests.

8. Maximize skills and talent

Every great Hotel manager inspires their team to have a laser focus on the overall vision and goals.

Great Hotel managers think differently about the practical drivers of employee engagement and performance. They look at how a growth mindset can serve as a multiplier to attract and optimize talent.

Implement effective growth mindset strategies that transform the Hotel team.

What can I learn from this?
What steps can I take to help me succeed?
Do I know the outcome or goal I’m after?
What information can I gather? And from where?
Where can I get constructive feedback?
If I had a plan to be successful at [blank], what might it look like?
When will I follow through on my plan?
Where will I follow through on my plan?
How will I follow through on my plan?
What did I learn today?
What mistake did I make that taught me something?
Is my current learning strategy working? If not, how can I change it?
What did I try hard at today?
What habits must I develop to continue the gains I’ve achieved?

9. Understand and respond to criticism

Nobody likes being criticized but learning to accept criticism is a critical skill for success. If received appropriately, criticism can help you as a Hotel manager grow and develop your skills and abilities.

It is critical for Hotels managers to understand how reputation and reviews impact the overall view of the service provided.

Fight or flight is not a very constructive response here. And today with Social Media we have seen a trend where Hotels get very defensive.

Hotel managers with a growth mindset involve their team members to get a view of the feedback, either it is positive or negative. They still have a reaction to negative feedback but are able to bounce back and take effective actions.

Part of overcoming their fear of receiving criticism is to continually expose themselves to situations in which the Hotel may receive negative feedback. And then learn from their experience or mistake. And then ask themselves;

What can we do to manage disruptions?

What type of proactive actions can we take to better respond to concerns?

10. Becomes inspired by the success of others

A Hotel Manager with a growth mindset not only believe that their learning, skills, and talent can grow with time and experience they celebrate and reward the process.

They believe in the potential in each and every one of their employees. And they help team members grow as a learner helping them understand that with effort and perseverance everyone can succeed.

Often experience Hotel managers with perceptions and beliefs that time will run shorts, the year ends and toward the end of the year, some might not get the chance to celebrate the growth of the Hotel.

Great Hotel managers ask themselves how can I celebrate my growth and my team members growth?

They focus on the micro-moments and catch their team members doing something right anytime and anywhere. And then they celebrate the micro-moment to help the team members with their growth mindset.

The key for a Hotel manager with a growth mindset is to help and celebrate someone else succeed.

Hotel managers with a growth mindset, train themselves not to view “deficit” as a deficiency in their ability, but rather, as a deficiency in our own learning or experience.

They seize the opportunity to celebrate the success of their team members. This results in that team members are happier and more productive.

Try something new it will magnetize your Hotel!

FREE access to #HotelPodcast – A Podcast about Social Media Marketing for Hotels (Click Here to Unlock)

Be flexible and identify new ways to make guests happy.

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As guest behavior and pattern continues to evolve, expectations will continue to rise. Navigating these changes can be challenging. Learn more about how we can help your Hotel.

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Are Morch - Hotel Blogger and Social Media ConsultantFounders Media

I have for a long period collaborated with my friends at Founders Media, especially on our Hotel Podcast.

I am now proud to announce that we now officially have expanded our collaborations to include Social Media Management for Hotels.

Founders Media, in collaboration with Are Morch, are the leading providers of Hotel Social Media Management.

With a combined 20+ years’ experience in the Hotel Social Media field, and working with Hotels across the globe, our skills, experience, and expertise ensure we deliver in achieving your Hotel’s marketing goals.

Learn more about what other Hoteliers say.

Discover HOW we can help your Hotel today!

Sit Down with Are!

One-on-One with Are

Is your Hotel struggling with getting started using Social Media marketing to grow your business?

Are you looking for a way to move your Hotels Social Media marketing efforts from good to great?

Do you want some insight into your strategy, content and how to optimize your efforts?

Do you want to learn how Social Media Marketing can help grow your Hotel with increased direct booking?

For a limited time, I offer FREE One-on-One private Social Media Marketing coaching sessions where we cover your Hotels most pressing Social Media Marketing questions. 

We will work on whatever you want to help your Hotel succeed with Social Media Marketing.

How can your Hotel take advantage of this limited exclusive offer?

It requires one simple step – join our Facebook Group for Hotels and Hoteliers and you will learn more.

Join Our Facebook Group for Hotels and Hoteliers

Achieving this requires an investment in human capacity to create adaptive and resilient employees capable of taking on challenges and seeking out different strategies to achieve goals.

To succeed Hotels must build a team’s force that is change ready and a culture where learning is valued and setbacks are viewed as opportunities to grow.

Is your Hotel ready to make a real impact in 2019? Ask me about my Social Media Management for Hotels.

Are you ready for a new journey and learn how you can put your Hotels Conversation Experience Marketing on Autopilot?

FREE Facebook Group for Hotels and Hoteliers to be part of a new journey => Join our FREE Hotel Social Media Community!

And it will help identify micro-moments and recognize pain points and values utilizing Hotel Experience Ambassadors that knows where to look for them.

I have loved with all of my heart and soul serving customers, guests, and Hoteliers. As a Hotel Experience Ambassador, I gained a new passion for being a representative and messenger delivering new profound and delightful experiences.

If your Hotel wants to implement new effective success factors then now is the time to be part of a new initiative.

When your Hotel serves your community they will reward you back with serving you.

From a Hotel and Social Media Consultant’s standpoint, the Social Media Community can offer Hotels a one-stop-shop for managing their Social Media marketing such as the community infrastructure, database, listening functionality, profile management, collaboration, content marketing and management, and of course, the analytics.

A Social Media Community will help your Hotel to grow smarter and faster when you focus on the value proposition and collaborate in effective ways.

If your Hotel need help to put it all together then make sure to let us know.

Today’s Social Media Management tools provide advanced options that will help Hotels with these tasks. If you need a quality team the help your Hotel pulls this off, then get in touch with my partners at Founders Media.

With the right team behind your Social Media efforts, it can become cost-effective and generate a new revenue stream for your Hotel.

Social Media Management for Hotels
Social Media Mastery for Hotels

Social Media Management for Hotels is NOW Open! Click Here if you are ready to take your Hotel to a new level!

To get your Hotel started here are a few FREE gifts and resources from me and my partners Founders Media.

1. FREE access to my Hotel Social Media Marketing Vault (Click Here to Unlock)
2. FREE 21 Days To Social Media Mastery for Hotels email course (Click Here to Unlock)
3. FREE access to #HotelPodcast – A Podcast about Social Media Marketing for Hotels (Click Here to Unlock)
4. FREE access to our Facebook Group – Hotel Social Media Community (Click Here to Unlock)
5. Sit Down with Are for a FREE One-on-One private Social Media Marketing coaching sessions.

About the author

Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Blogger and Social Media Consultant. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast

The post 10 Biggest and Most Important Traits of an Extraordinary Hotel Manager appeared first on Are Morch, Hotel Blogger and Social Media Consultant.

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