Has your social media agency avoided Twitter? After all, it can be chaotic. But seasoned social media managers know how to stand out with different types of content. Check out these tips to decide what to tweet.
Twitter marketing is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing.
It is also one of the most controversial ones.
Do you love Twitter for marketing? Do you know how to generate high-converting traffic from Twitter? (I belong to this group of Twitter marketers.)
Or are you one of those who think Twitter is just for fun and clutter and it is a waste of marketing budgets?
Then you are probably doing it wrong.
The truth is Twitter marketing takes time, creativity, and patience.
Table of Contents
Twitter threads
Memorable context
Answer questions
I haven’t had much success with Twitter ads (although I am getting better at that), but I definitely love Twitter for its organic potential.
In fact, Twitter is one of the few social media platforms in which you can still build traffic and leads without investing in advertising.
The first step is creating an effective Twitter posting and content-sharing strategy.
Here are some tips for when you wonder what to tweet.
1. Create In-Depth Content Using Twitter Threads
Those social media managers who dislike Twitter for its character limit will love this tip: You can actually share long-form content by using Twitter threads.
One of the recent examples of this comes from @RyanMcCready1 who shared this case study on Twitter, which earned him quite a few engagements and recognition:
Twitter threads in action: This is an actual article broken into tweets
To create a Twitter thread, use “Add another tweet” option.
You can add as many tweets within one thread as you want:
Tie many tweets together by creating a Twitter thread
Twitter threads work well for thought leadership content, allowing you to establish your brand as a knowledge graph.
Use Twitter threads to share case studies, tutorials, and analysis of recent reports or trends.
2. Create a Memorable Context for Your Brand
Consistency is key on Twitter.
If you develop your own recognizable voice on Twitter, your brand will be able to build a tight and loyal community as well as create highly cited content.
More importantly, via consistent tweeting style, you will be able to build powerful associations that would make your brand memorable.
My favorite example here is @MoonPie, which has developed a unique voice by inserting the brand into conversations related to space, trends, or current events.
MoonPie’s tweets have unique style
In fact, the company’s Twitter feed is hard to quit: It makes both a captivating and interesting read. Notice how uniquely MoonPie comment on recent news (especially regarding space) and how creatively they celebrate holidays—all within its well-recognized “comic and cosmic” style.
This “Out of this World” strategy calls back to the name “Moon Pie” and opens up a universe of possibilities.
It creates a deep connection with the brand’s audiences through shared interests, humor, and an unexpected voice.
The brand’s positioning has also allowed it to “own space,” which was seen most prominently during the 2017 eclipse where its clapback of Hostess Snacks garnered national press attention and notoriety:
Thanks to Twitter marketing, Moon Pie has built a powerful association with space that accounted for the success of this tweet.
3. Answer Questions
This one takes time, but it can generate highly effective clicks, leads, and even brand ambassadors.
Monitor your target keywords carefully on Twitter and jump in regularly to provide help, advice, and directions.
Agorapulse offers a nice social listening feature that can help set up and streamline this process:
Use social listening to monitor niche discussions and questions
That is one of my favorite tactics to build high-converting traffic.
Here’s an example of a tweet that came as a result of Twitter question monitoring (and brought an engaged click, too):
Direct people to your site by being helpful.
This strategy brings more to the table than clicks. It allows you to better understand your target audience’s struggles and discover good on-site content ideas.
Using Agorapulse, you can assign certain tweeted questions to your content team to cover in their newly created assets.
4. Use Seasonality to Help Decide What to Tweet
Seasonality is another great Twitter marketing tool that can skyrocket your engagement metrics.
Seasonality-based Twitter strategy:
Create a quick editorial roadmap outlining holidays and seasonal trends to include in your marketing routine. You can mark holidays using Google Calendar (which integrates well in WordPress) or spreadsheets (which can be turned into schedule). Either way, just make sure it will be easily reused the following year and is very fast to use.
Come up with unique and engaging content to capture your customers’ attention.
Here’s a neat example from the above-mentioned Twitter account that used humor to welcome its seasonal product line:
To get some help in brainstorming, use Text Optimizer to spot interesting associations with seasonal trends and holidays to use in your Twitter content:
Text Optimizer identified these strong associations with “Thanksgiving”. Use these to create Twitter content as well as to come up with popular hashtags
For even more inspiration, check out “trending search” from Unsplash.
That section will give you a solid insight into what Unsplash users have been searching for over the last 30 days. Turn some of these into seasonal content as well as Twitter hashtags!
“Trending search” from Unsplash
When timed well, Twitter content focusing on recent trends or upcoming holidays will generate both retweets and clicks.
If you follow seasonality yearly, you will always be able to reuse your content the following year.
The seasonality-based strategy will work even better if you include influencers.
5. Monitor and Learn From Your Successful Updates
As you experiment with Twitter content and formats, you will find some of your tweets performing better than the others. By all means, do learn your own Twitter marketing lessons and discover what to tweet specifically for your audience.
There are quite a few Twitter analytics options, including Agorapulse that provides a close look into how your content is performing:
Identify your best performing tweets with Agorapulse reports
Agorapulse allows you to set your own date range to go back weeks and months back to analyze your Twitter content.
You can then sort the data by the number of overall engagements to identify best-performing tweets.
Do that one regularly and identify common rules and patterns that accounted for that particular content success. Can you turn that lesson into a strategy to amplify that success?
There’s much more to Twitter marketing than the 280-character limit. It’s all about creativity and experimentation.
If you come up with your own style and commit to it, you will likely discover that Twitter is the most effective of your marketing channels.
After all, Twitter is the most open and flexible platform, and that’s why I admire it so much.
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