The top 5 essential mobile marketing stats

The top 5 essential mobile marketing stats

Video transcript

this episode is brought to you by think near their location score platform delivers the most accurate location targeting available on mobile visit them at location score calm this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge a great picnic welcome back you have found another episode of the mobile marketing minute moment minute to whatever you want to call it we give you some value my name is Rob would Richemont

either TV and I am Greg Hickman with mobile next calm all right there are stats out there there are a plethora of statue or this amazing amazing blog post there are 23 mobile stats that people should know...

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The top 5 essential mobile marketing statsVideo transcriptthis episode is brought to you by think near their location score platform delivers the most accurate location targeting available on mobile visit them at location score calm this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge a great picnic welcome back you have found another episode of the mobile marketing minute moment minute to whatever you want ...