The marketer's guide to the mobile web vs mobile app debate

The marketer's guide to the mobile web vs mobile app debate

Video transcript

this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic this is the mobile marketing minute and my name is Rob and I am Greg good to meet you Greg nice to meet you you know i get i get this question all the time around the difference between a nap and a website do i need both do i need one over the other and what

kind of content should i put in others of the same or different what's your opinion about this app versus web versus content question yes so there's actually a lot of questions in there I mean app versus web is...

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The marketer's guide to the mobile web vs mobile app debateVideo transcriptthis is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic this is the mobile marketing minute and my name is Rob and I am Greg good to meet you Greg nice to meet you you know i get i get this question all the time around the difference between a nap and a website d...