MMM #004: How to sell mobile into your organization…the right way

MMM #004: How to sell mobile into your organization…the right way

Video transcript

this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic go back to another mobile marketing minute all right so now that we've got all the pieces put together where do we start how do we start what's the first step confusion it can be confusing and I think you know where I'm going to take this right now is is still even kind of looking at this

from a high level and you know we've talked about how mobile impacts a lot of different aspects of what we're doing but inherently because of that it affects a lot of different departments or teams or people within an...

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MMM #004: How to sell mobile into your organization…the right wayVideo transcriptthis is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic go back to another mobile marketing minute all right so now that we've got all the pieces put together where do we start how do we start what's the first step confusion it can be confusing and I think you know where I'm ...