MMM #002: Mobile marketing have to start somewhere

MMM #002: Mobile marketing have to start somewhere

Video transcript

this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic welcome back to another mobile marketing minute alright we have to start at the very beginning here what is your definition of mobile what does mobile mean to an organization and maybe even to a consumer yeah well so I think first of all that's kind of a three-part question what does mobile me I mean the definition from

like the mobile marketing association is something along lines of um connecting and communicating with your audience via a mobile device or a wireless device or over a wireless network so that's technically mobile you know but what does that...

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MMM #002: Mobile marketing have to start somewhereVideo transcriptthis is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic welcome back to another mobile marketing minute alright we have to start at the very beginning here what is your definition of mobile what does mobile mean to an organization and maybe even to a consumer yeah well so I think first of all that's kind of ...