How and when to use mobile advertising to grow your business

How and when to use mobile advertising to grow your business

Video transcript

this is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic welcome back to another episode of the mobile marketing minute my name is Rob and my name is Greg alright so mobile ad networks mobile advertising you see it everywhere it kind of either drives you crazy or you see great opportunity let's start at the very beginning about mobile advertising what is it or you don't eat it

all so yeah I mean mobile advertising is essentially ad units that are displayed on mobile and these come in many different shapes and sizes literally and there's rich media there's you know there's kind of normal banners and things...

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How and when to use mobile advertising to grow your businessVideo transcriptthis is the mobile marketing minute with your host Rob Woodbridge and great picnic welcome back to another episode of the mobile marketing minute my name is Rob and my name is Greg alright so mobile ad networks mobile advertising you see it everywhere it kind of either drives you crazy or you see great opportun...